How to Make an Arrow Symbol
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How to Make an Arrow Symbol

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Are you looking for the shortcuts to insert an arrow symbol?
There are various routes and techniques to insert an arrow symbol on your PC. The keyboard shortcut for arrow and other hidden formulas can generate an arrow symbol on your PC and mobile.
You will find out in this blog how to type arrow symbol with the help of some techniques to generate all arrow signs including up arrow symbol, downward arrow, arrow pointing left & arrow sign to the right on your desktop as well as mobile with the help of alt codes for arrows and other methods

What does an arrow symbol denote?

Arrows symbolize graphical as well as psychological representations of finding a way to something. It is human nature that they want to be guided. These cool arrows guide us to different paths in several circumstances. An arrow symbol has four fundamental compass directions.

Arrow on Desktop

If you use a PC on a daily basis, no doubt you are familiar with the arrow keys. Do you know about the arrow symbol alt code?
We will teach you how to draw a computer keyboard arrow on your Windows PC, Mac or iMac desktop devices.

How to make an arrow in Windows?

Searching for an arrow keyboard shortcut? Just keep reading and you’ll learn how to type an arrow from your keyboard. Let’s find out those concealed formulas.

Up Arrow ALT key ↑

To type an up arrow symbol windows Hold an Alt key and type 24 (Keep holding ALT until the sign is generated)
Up Arrow ALT key To type an up arrow symbol windows

Downward Arrow Symbol ↓

Hold an Alt key and type 25 for the downwards arrow symbol
Downward Arrow Symbol hold an Alt key and type 25 for the downwards arrow symbol

Right Arrow ALT Code →

Hold an Alt key and type 26 for the Right arrow sign
Right Arrow ALT Code Hold an Alt key and type 26 for the Right arrow sign

Arrow pointing left ←

Hold an Alt key and type 27 for backward arrow
Arrow pointing left Hold an Alt key and type 27 for backward arrow

Left Right Arrow Symbol ↔

Hold an Alt key and type 29 for the left right arrow
Left Right Arro hold an Alt key and type 29 for the left right arrow

Updown Arrow Symbol ↕

Simply hold the Alt key and type 18 to type an Up Down arrow
Updown Arrow Symbol hold the Alt key and type 18 to type an Up Down arrow

Updown Arrow with Base ↨

Hold an Alt key and type 23
Updown Arrow with Base Hold an Alt key and type 23

Filled Arrows

To create the special filled arrows. Follow these steps for all 4 types
Step 1: Hold ALT and type 30 for a filled arrow pointing upwards ▲

Filled Arrows Step 1: Hold ALT and type 30 for a filled arrow pointing upwards
Step 2:Hold ALT and type 31 for a filled arrow downward sign ▼
Hold ALT and type 31 for a filled arrow downward sign
Step 3: Hold ALT and type 16 for a filled arrow sign pointing right ►
Hold ALT and type 16 for a filled arrow sign pointing right
Step 4: Hold ALT and type 17 for a filled leftward arrow ◄
Hold ALT and type 17 for a filled leftward arrow

How to make an arrow symbol on Mac?

Apple customer who wants to create an arrow on macbook?
Normally, the Mac doesn’t offer formulas of arrow on the keyboard. If you don’t know how to type an arrow on mac, we will teach you. We will use “Character Viewer” to insert arrows on mac.
Let’s find out.
Step 1: Open a text or Word document on your Mac

How to make an arrow symbol on Mac Apple customer who wants to create an arrow on macbook Open a text or Word document on your Mac
Step 2: Press CTRL+CMD+Space Bar & this window will appear
Press CTRL+CMD+Space Bar
Step 3: Click on the small icon in the top right corner to expand
Click on the small icon in the top right corner
Step 4: Select “Arrows” option
Select “Arrows” option
Step 5: You will see an arrow window with different types of arrow signs
You will see an arrow window with different types of arrow signs
Step 6: Click on any arrow, it will be displayed on the screen. You can see a picture of an arrow pointing right
You can see a picture of an arrow pointing right

Hence, you can insert all types of arrows including downward arrow, left pointing arrow, double headed arrow symbol and up arrow on mac.

Arrow on Phone?

Wishing a mobile keyboard with arrow keys? Whether it is an iPhone or Android, we will define routes for inserting arrows on your mobile screen. Let’s explore each of them.

How to make an arrow symbol on iPhone?

Searching for an arrow symbol on iPhone?
iPhone has offered a bundle of emojis and symbols to its users. So, the arrow sign in iPhone is also present in its keyboard settings.
Follow these steps.
Step 1: Go to Settings>General

How to make an arrow symbol on iPhone Go to Settings>General
Step 2: Tap on “Keyboard”
Step 2: Tap on “Keyboard”
Step 3: Tap “Add New Keyboard…”
Tap “Add New Keyboard
Step 4: Select “Emoji”
Select “Emoji
Step 5: Now, go to Messages & select the “emoji” icon from the Keyboard
Now, go to Messages & select the “emoji”
Step 6: Tap on “Emoji”
Step 6: Tap on “Emoji
Step 7: From here you can swipe and use emojis of your choice
Step 7: From here you can swipe and use emojis of your choice
Step 8: You will find arrow signs of all types
Step 8: You will find arrow signs of all types

How to make an arrow symbol on Android?

Do you know that you’ve got an android keyboard with arrow keys?
Arrow keys are somewhere hidden inside your Android keyboard. Let’s find out where.
Step 1: Tap on ?123 on your Android keyboard

How to make an arrow symbol on Android you’ve got an android keyboard with arrow keys Tap on ?123
Step 2: Tap on ABC on your Android keyboard
Tap on ABC on your Android keyboard
Step 3: Now select =\< right at the top of ABC
Step 3: Now select =\< right at the top of ABC
Step 4: Hold and press the caret (^) key, you’ll see 4 options there
Hold and press the caret (^) key, you’ll see 4 options there
Step 5: You can add arrows from these 4 keys
You can add arrows from these 4 keys


What does the green arrow symbol on Mac represent?

While typing, Mac users experience a green arrow appearance on their screen. Some of them don’t know what that means. But, actually, there is no complicated reason behind it. It just shows users that the caps lock is ON.

What is the code for the HTML right arrow?

Html serves its users with different syntaxes for inserting all types of arrows. So, the syntax for html right arrow is →.
Try this code on your text editor or IDE and run this code to check out the results.

I will display →

What is an arrows app?

An arrows app is a web-based tool that is used to draw graphs. These graphs are then used in documents and for the purpose of displaying in presentations.

How do you make an arrow in inDesign?

InDesign is an Adobe desktop publishing software. To insert an arrow in this software follow these steps

  • Launch your InDesign software
  • Use the line tool to create a line
  • Open the “Stroke panel”
  • Click on “Show Options” in the Stroke Panel
  • Select your line
  • Adjust “Start/End”
  • You’ll have an arrow in InDesign

What do the arrows in the circle indicate?

We all know that arrows provide us with directions, but when used with different shapes their meaning changes. So the arrows in the circle denote 

  • A target or goal of something
  • The variations in wind movement and density
  • A symbol of recycling

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