How to boot into safe mode
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How to boot into safe mode

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Sometimes, while using your device, issues occur, and you think about how to turn off safe mode. Safe mode is a distinctive operating system used for troubleshooting errors that affect the normal operation of Windows.
This blog will explore our knowledge and learn how to boot a PC into safe mode. Safe mode is a way to start your computer using only vital programs such as a mouse, Keyboard, and display drivers. In safe mode, only a few applications and windows open. Safe mode boot helps you to identify and fix issues such as viruses, corrupt files, and malware. However, Viruses are inactive, when you use Windows in safe mode boot, you can certainly remove errors.

What is a Windows-safe mode?

Window safe mode is an identifying mode that allows you to run a basic version of Windows without unnecessary files and drivers. If you think, you have a virus or malware on your device. You can start your computer and boot into safe mode. Safe mode boot helps you troubleshoot and get rid of problems.

Why use safe mode boot?

If you use your computer and identify that your operating system does not start it causes some issues. You are annoyed, about how to boot into safe mode. But the Windows safe mode allows you to boot up your operating system in a basic state and you can ferret out errors. While in safe mode boot, your computer runs slower than usual and the screen resolution of the computer looks away, this is why the drivers are not running

Various ways how to boot into Safe Mode

In this blog, We will guide you through listing items on how to turn off safe mode.

How to safe mode window 11

By the following steps, you can perform the Windows 11 safe mode.
Step 1: Click on the start button and tap on the power icon

Safe mode for windows 11 click on start button

Step 2: Hold the shift key and click restart

Hold the shift key and click on restart button to process safe mode

Step 3: A taskbar will appear, select troubleshoot and advanced options then start up setting

Select the troubleshooting option and go to settings

Step 4: Click on the restart

When the word Safe mode appears at the four corners of your computer screen, If you need internet, click on F5 and the Safe mode connects with networking.

Safe mode window 11 by shutting down the computer

You can also boot the safe mode window by shutting down the computer by the following steps
Step 1: Click on the power button for 10 seconds

Safe mode window 11 using power button

Step 2 :Click the power button again to turn your pc again.

Step 3: Once again restart, turn it off again.

once turn on restart it again

Step 4: Turn your pc again and then turn back again.

To start window 10 safe mode

Step 1: Click setting

click on settings

Step 2: Click update and security

Window 10 safe mode click update security option

Step 3: Click advanced startup and then click on restart.

Step 4 : A menu bar will appear, select troubleshooting and advanced options then start up settings

Click on troubleshooting option in control settings

Step 5: Click on restart again and select F4 to turn in safe mode.

How to start Mac safe mode

Step 1: Turn on or restart your mac.

Start Mac safe mode with restart option

Step 2: Press and hold the shift key and you see the login window

Press and hold shift key and login window

Step 3 : Login to mac

Login into the Mac using id

Step 4: Log in again

Login again and enter new password


What is a safe-mode Mac?

Safe mode boot is the specific boot for Mac computers that allows users to find out Mac issues like software bugs and viruses malware and resolve issues

How to turn off safe mode?

To turn off safe mode, you can restart your computer. Press and hold the power button until the power icon shows on the screen and tap on the power icon.

How to start Windows 10 safe mode?

To start Windows 10 safe mode you can restart your device by pressing down the shift             key, after restarting click on the troubleshooting and then the advanced option, start up setting, and restart.

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