The Horizontal lines in the phone screen
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The Horizontal lines in the phone screen

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Do not be frustrated, if you see horizontal lines on the phone screen. It is a reality, that black horizontal lines in the phone screen affect your experience. But here we explore our ideas with you, How to Fix horizontal lines on the Android phone?
We will help you with this Blog in various ways, especially in removing the vertical and black lines on Android phones.
Sometimes, the black horizontal lines in the phone screen shine due to the hardware and software bugs, and many other issues like the phone screen being locked with the thumb thingy stuck, dropping into water damaged phone screen, and accidentally falling and pressure on the screen
Additionally, if you are facing a horizontal line , We will illuminate how to fix horizontal and vertical lines on the mobile phone.

What is a horizontal line on the mobile screen?

Have you knowing about,” How to generate horizontal lines in the phone screen “ The black horizontal lines in the phone screen can appear with the issue of damaged or sloppy cables, fall-over hardware like the LCD and graphic card cracked, outdated drivers, and software bugs. Moreover, when the user picks up the phone and unexpectedly faces the black horizontal lines in the phone screen

General causes and solution of the horizontal lines in the phone screen

There are plenty of reasons for the horizontal lines in the phone screen. Why is your Android phone facing the display bugs and shining the white horizontal lines on the phone screen? In this era, Android phones become vigorous and durable over the years. But still, The mobile phone has a limited life, and the components of the mobile phone are bound to break daily life, over time, usually by mishandling. After using the mobile phone, suddenly appears horizontal lines in the phone screen. The black horizontal lines in the phone screen are prominent. You don’t need to be annoyed, we will discuss with you in detail, how to fix horizontal lines on the black screen

Cause 1: Overheating cause horizontal lines

Usually, the phone heats up due to the overuse and exhausted battery. Overheating causes damage to the display of your phone and as a result, black horizontal lines appear on the mobile screen. You get fretted to see the white horizontal lines on the phone screen.

Solution 1: Maintain Temperature

If you find black horizontal lines on the phone screen , the best way to remove the horizontal lines from the phone is to keep it under the fan or at room temperature.

Cause 2: Software malfunctioning cause black lines

Sometimes, Software bugs reduce the reliability of your phone, such as screen freezing, device not turning on, sideloading apps, battery drainage, and due to these errors the black horizontal lines on the phone screen.

Solution 2: Update the software of your phone

If you face the horizontal lines on the phone screen, you should update the software of your phone quickly because software updates play a very important role in disappearing the white horizontal lines on the phone screen
Step 1: Open the settings menu

Open the setting menu
Step 2 :Click on the system.
Click on the system option listed in menu
Step 3 Tap on the software update
Following the above steps, the horizontal lines on the phone screen are removed and the phone is back to its normal state.

Cause 3: Water damage causes horizontal lines

Usually, your phone is damaged for plenty of reasons such as dropping into the water, and due to stress as a result of this physical damage, the display of the mobile phone shows the horizontal lines on the mobile phone.

Solution 3: Sunlight

Put you mobile in sunlight to dry water damage that cause while lines on screen

While using your phone, sometimes your phone drops into water, and the horizontal lines appear on the phone screen, the best way to remove lines it keep under sunlight and the sunlight absorbs moisture and the other way is with the help of an air dryer.

Cause 4: Hardware problem causes white lines

Sometimes, your phone faces a hardware problem due to some reasons like the battery not charging properly and physical damage to the screen, extreme temperature, sound issues, and dust.These factors affect the display and the horizontal lines shine on the mobile phone.

Solution 4: software update and power supply

If you avoid the white horizontal line on the phone screen, first of all, you need to check the power supply, clean the ports, investigate the display, and update the driver and software.

Cause 5: Liquid damage causes vertical lines

While you are using their mobile, the horizontal lines on the phone screen appear. The black horizontal lines on the phone screen are due to the liquid damage. If your Android phone gets moisture or water damage and the display shows abnormalities

Solution 5: Power off your Phone

Powered off your mobile can remove black horizontal lines on phone
If you find, your phone has liquid damage and shows black horizontal lines on phone screen , the best way to power off your phone quickly and keep it dry until it works properly.

Cause 6: Connection errors cause horizontal lines

If your phone is connected loosely to the internal components . it causes display errors and hardware issues, damage to SIM cards, old batteries, many apps running at once, software issues, and as a result of these bugs prominent black lines on the mobile phone.

Solution: Through the following methods

To resolve the connection error cause and get rid of the horizontal lines you can fix the issue by listing items
Switch on the airplane mode
Switch on aeroplane mode if still mobile contain lines on screen
Remove and insert the SIM card properly
Reset your router
Change the battery
Restart your Android phone

Step 2: Go to the settings

Step 3: Tap on setting go to the reset option and tap on factory reset

Tap power off option for removing horizontal lines

Step 3: Tap on the erase all data

Tap erase all data on your factory settings
Step 4: Tap on the erase all data again and confirm.
Erase data to remove your screen white or black lines


Why are the horizontal lines in the phone screen?

The horizontal lines on the phone screen are cause by plenty of issues such as battery damage, outdated software, Display glitches, and hardware issues.

Can water damage cause the black horizontal lines on phone screen?

Yes, water damage causes white horizontal lines on the phone screen When the phone drops into water it becomes moist. It affects the functionality of the display and your phone faces the horizontal lines.

How to cause horizontal lines on phone due to overheating?

Excessive heat affects the hardware and and display of the phone as a result you face the white horizontal lines on the phone screen. 

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